After passing the verification in the Discord, we will send a gift to a new player... to you of course :D

You only have to wait for our verification and sending of voucher code to your email.

If you do not receive the email, please check your spam email folder and click "Not spam". Or contact us.

HP Charm 120kk
MP Charm 120kk
First Cloud +14.00 m/s for 7 days
Emperor's Weapon for 5 days
Festive and Fresh Dumplings
Rainbow Lantern Yuanxiao
Hyper EXP Stone
Magic Command Esoterics
Tienkang Stone
Tisha Stone

You can also get a 7-day version of endgame accessories of your choice:

★★★Star's Destiny★★★Moon's Embrace
★★★Badge of the Cube: Defiance, ★★★Destroyer★★★Badge of the Cube: Defiance, ★★★Destroyer